NGO’s at HRC55: We Urge The Council To Compel Israel To Prevent Its Genocide Against The Palestinian People


On March 04th, ECDHR and other NGOs delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 55 under item 3 during the General debate. NGO’s called on members of the Council to refer the case to the U.N. Security Council and compel Israel to prevent its genocide against the Palestinian people.

Since its inception and throughout its short recent history, Israel has continued to flout the most basic tenets of international law as if it is somehow above the law and above the nations that seek to uphold it. This is readily apparent in the past 5 months, as it was in the past 8 decades.

Today, we have before us an Israel that has not abided by 5 out of the 6 provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice to prevent genocide in Palestine. The Israeli government has not taken all measures in its power to prevent acts of genocide, nor has its military, nor has it punished the public incitement to genocide by its officials and people, nor has it taken effective measures to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Palestine, and as it bombed the already bombed, nor has Israel preserved evidence of its acts of genocide, save a few of its soldiers who recorded themselves boasting about it.

Instead, Israel has continued to intentionally kill and maim civilians as evidenced by the marked increase in the Palestinian civilian casualty toll that jumped from 90,000 to 100,000 during the period after the Court’s ruling and has officially announced its plan to continue acts of genocide in Rafah where 1.5 million Palestinians have sought refuge.

We call on members of the CounciHRCl to refer the case to the U.N. Security Council and compel Israel to prevent its genocide against the Palestinian people.