Category Archives: Statements

Bahrain: Joint Letter on Human Rights Situation to Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Re: Upcoming 56th Session of the Human Rights Council 30 May 2024 Your Excellencies, Ahead [...]

NGOs at HRC55: Israel subjects Palestinians to racist policies that incite genocidal behavior

On March 28th, ECDHR and other NGOs delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation [...]

ECDHR at HRC55: The complete absence of international justice have facilitated an environment of impunity

On March 27th, ECDHR and other NGOs delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation [...]

NGOs at HRC55: War Crimes Against The Populations Of Yemen and Palestine Must Come To An End  

On March 21st, ECDHR and other NGOs delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation [...]

NGO’s at HRC55: We Urge The Council To Compel Israel To Prevent Its Genocide Against The Palestinian People

On March 04th, ECDHR and other NGOs delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation [...]

Joint Letter to Bahrain King: Free 400-day hunger striker Dr Abduljalil Al-Singace

King of Bahrain, Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Issa Al Khalifa Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Shaikh [...]

The Status of Kuwait’s Stateless Bidoon

In November 2014, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees launched the Campaign to End [...]

Civil Society Groups Seek Urgent UN Action on Yemen

More Than 60 Groups Urge General Assembly to Establish New Investigative Mechanism December 3, 2021 – The [...]

MEPs sign letter expressing concerns over UAE candidate for INTERPOL head

19 November 2021 –  A group of 45 MEPs signed a joint letter to High [...]

Rights Groups Urge Bahrain to Release Dr Abduljalil Al Singace, Jailed Academic on Hunger Strike

Please find the open statement here. 30 July 2021 – 16 leading human rights groups [...]