Category Archives: GCC Member States

The Hidden Cost of Progress: Human Rights Violations of Migrant Workers in the UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become synonymous with rapid development and modern luxury, showcasing [...]

Examining Human Trafficking Concerns in Oman: The Case of Punjabi Women

In recent years, Oman has been the scene of a disturbing reality of exploitation and [...]

Oman: Examining women’s rights and gender bias

Oman, a nation with a population of 2.6 million, is the oldest independent state in [...]

Human Rights in Oman: Recent Developments and Ongoing Concerns

Introduction The state of human rights in Oman presents a complex picture. The nation has [...]

Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja: a decade of injustice in Bahrain

In a world filled with stories of courage and resilience, the tale of Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, [...]

Uncovering whitewashing strategies in the Gulf

On Monday, April 24th, the European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR) organized a [...]

Joint Letter to Bahrain King: Free 400-day hunger striker Dr Abduljalil Al-Singace

King of Bahrain, Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Issa Al Khalifa Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Shaikh [...]

The Case of Abdulhadi Al Khawaja: The Persecution of Freedom in Bahrain

Abdulhadi Al Khawaja is a long time advocate for human rights in Bahrain and has [...]

Dr. Abduljalil Al Singace: A Case of Severe Injustice

Dr. Abduljalil Al Singace, a Bahraini prisoner of conscience currently being detained at Jau Prison, [...]

The Modern Day Slaves of the Arab Gulf; What’s really going on with domestic workers in Kuwait?

The GCC Context   For the past decade, the Arab Gulf Region has been pervaded [...]