About us
The European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR)
The European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR)
The European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR) is a non-profit organisation based in Brussels (BE) and Beirut (LB) and registered in Dublin (IR). It was created in January 2015. ECDHR is seeking to promote human rights and democracy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
ECDHR engages with EU institutions, media and other relevant stakeholders in Brussels in order to raise awareness and promote the respect of fundamental human rights in the MENA region. ECDHR also collaborates closely with other international NGOs committed to the issues of human rights and democracy in the region. Finally, we work with victims of human rights violations through the MENA region, providing them both legal and developmental aid to overcome their situations and seek justice.
Our annual report is available here.
The European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR) advocates for the respect of human rights in MENA countries on an impartial and inclusive basis, regardless of political views, religious affiliation, gender or nationality of the victims.
Therefore, we do not advocate for any specific political or religious group, nor for any specific political or religious cause, but we go at lengths in defending and supporting those individuals and groups who suffer violations of their fundamental rights and freedoms.
Our primary goal is to achieve full implementation of obligations governments in the MENA region subscribed to, both through international human rights conventions and their own legislation.