Saudi Arabia: Statement of Antonio Panzeri regarding the recent mass executions

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In reaction of the mass executions carried out in Saudi Arabia on 23 April 2019, Antonio Panzeri, chair of the DROI Subcommittee of the European Parliament, released a statement.

After strongly condemning the termination of 37 convicts on charges related to terrorism, Antonio Panzeri pointed out the human rights’ violations that occurred in the trials and reminded Saudi authorities that “only the full respect for fair trial rights […] distinguishes capital punishment from arbitrary execution”.

The DROI Chair then reasserted the European Parliament’s position in favour of the “universal abolishment of the death penalty” and called on Saudi Arabia to create an independent judiciary.

Finally, Antonio Panzeri called on all the member States to stand as one so that their actions meet the fundamental values of the European Union, implying the cancellation or the relocation of large international sports events programmed in Saudi Arabia.

The European Centre for Democracy & Human Rights (ECDHR) welcomes the statement of Antonio Panzeri, and calls on further actions from the European Institutions. ECDHR reiterates its position in favour of the abolishment of death penalty and remains highly concerned about the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia.