ECDHR at HRC55: The complete absence of international justice have facilitated an environment of impunity

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On March 27th, ECDHR and other NGOs delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 55 under item 8 during the General debate. NGO’s assured that the complete absence of international justice and accountability for the crimes against Palestine and Yemen have facilitated an environment of impunity.

Both the Yemeni and Palestinian people have had their right to self-determination seriously violated with war crimes of a genocidal nature, where the perpetrators have not been held accountable and the crimes continued with impunity, that not only encourages more crimes, but also expands the circle of war.

In Yemen, the Saudi Coalition directly killed and maimed 50,000 civilians, destroyed 500,000 homes and targeted hundreds of hospitals and schools and indirectly, yet intentionally, killed 500,000 children with its blockade on food, medicine, and fuel.

In Palestine, Israel has killed and maimed over 100,000 civilians, destroyed 400,000 homes and targeted hundreds of hospitals and schools and threatens the starvation of the entire civilian population of 2 million in Gaza with its blockade on food, medicine, and fuel.

We reiterate our stance, if the U.N. cannot uphold its own mandate, questions arise as to its credibility and usefulness as a forum to protect human rights and hold accountable those who violate it.  The complete absence of international justice and accountability for these crimes have facilitated an environment of impunity that, if it continues, will continue to increase the tendency to resort to the use of force in self-defense.