Bahrain: ECDHR launches campaign to release Hassan Mushaima


12 May 2021 – The European Center for Democracy and Human rights (ECDHR) has launched a Platform and Petition to immediately and unconditionally release the prominent Bahraini prisoner of conscience, Hassan Mushaima, who is wrongfully held by Bahraini authorities for exercising his legitimate right to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.

In recent years, the Government of Bahrain has waged a brutal and systematic campaign to crush civil society in Bahrain and stifle dissent both within its borders and beyond. One of its preferred methods of repression is to arrest, detain and torture human rights activists on spurious criminal charges. Hassan Mushaima was among these human rights defenders and opposition leaders, who were arrested and unfairly sentenced to life in jail in 2011. Ten years later, Hassan Mushaima is still detained in the notorious Jau Prison where his access to medical care has been restricted despite his advanced age and multiple chronic illnesses. The abuse Mushaima has faced at the hands of Jau Prison officials, unfortunately, extends even further than the deprivation of critical medical care. He has been subjected to degrading treatment and torture. He also faced restrictive conditions on family visits and prison authorities have confiscated all his books, including religious books, and writing materials. Hassan’s health conditions place his life in imminent peril, especially with the current threat of COVID-19. 

Multiple human rights organizations have worked tirelessly to secure the release of Bahrain’s political prisoners, including Hassan Mushaima, but so far these efforts have had only limited success. In light of the Bahraini government’s resistance to advocacy on behalf of political prisoners, the creation of this platform appears to be a step in the right direction.

In particular, this Platform holds information about the current human rights situation in Bahrain, Hassan Mushaima’s health condition, as well as prison conditions, to create pressure on the Bahraini leadership.

Most importantly the Platform hosts the Petition calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Hassan Mushaima. Everyone can learn how to take action alongside ECDHR in demanding his release. 

Read more and sign the petition here:

Check back for updates and help us to fight for the immediate release of Hassan Mushaima and other prisoners of conscience, who remain behind bars in Bahraini prisons.